Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Google's Chrome Will Run Console Games! Wait, What? Google unveils new Chrome browser technology running console games like Xbox Live Arcade title Bastion.

Don't look for id Software's Rage or Bethesda's
Skyrim in your browser anytime soon, but it
sounds like Google has big time gaming plans for
its Chrome platform—plans that already involve
running stuff like Xbox Live Arcade game Bastion
in Chrome directly. Google demoed Bastion running in its Chrome
browser at a press event last night after working
on the technology to make such a feat possible
for three years, says CNet, adding that "[Bastion's] gameplay was smooth and...the graphics were
highly detailed." The technology's called "Native Client," or NaCl—
an allusion to the periodic symbol for salt,
implying per the dictionary definition that it
"makes things more interesting"—and it's
powerful enough to allow a sophisticated action
roleplaying game like Bastion to run in Google's browser today. I mean literally today. You can
grab Bastion from the Chrome store now for $15
(though, caveat, gamepad's aren't yet supported
—boo hiss!). According to Bastion's developer Supergiant Games: This latest version of Bastion is built to run right
in your web browser, using Google's new Native
Client technology. This really is the full Bastion
experience, featuring our highly acclaimed 1080p
artwork, musical score, reactive narration, and
play experience, all built to run fast and smooth just like our Xbox 360 and PC versions. And,
much like those versions, you can play through
the prologue for free. The full game can be
unlocked for $14.99. You'll need at least a 1.7 GHz dual-core rig, 2GB of
memory, 1GB of hard disk space, and a video
card that with 512MB memory that supports
shader model 2—pretty minimal specs, in other
words. And all that's just for starters. Google apparently
used last night's event to announce that Chrome
has over 200 million users, and to highlight other
upcoming Chrome-based games. Look for IO
Interactive's Mini Ninjas soon, for instance, courtesy Final Fantasy publisher Square Enix.


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